
Southwest District

The Southwest District of the IARP-Florida Chapter embodies the IARP mission of strengthening the community of rehabilitation professionals over the course of a lifetime. We strive to provide meaningful educational and networking opportunities, retain and grow membership, promote and support quality research, establish effective relationships with allied organizations, and influence legislative, policy, and regulatory issues. 

In January 2019, The Southwest District held the inaugural John A. Orphanidys Forum in partnership with the University of South Florida Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling program. In 2020, in response to COVID 19 and subsequent social distancing measures, the Southwest District moved to virtual webinar offerings to continue providing quality training opportunities to local rehabilitation counselors, case managers, nurse case managers, students, and other ancillary professionals. In 2023 we partnered with the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC), Employee Assistance Bureau to provide two (2) on-line Zoom Webinars on Rehabilitation Services provided through DWC.

In 2024 we have continued to provide Zoom Webinars on-line 11/01/24 and 11/15/24. Topics in 2024 include access for PWDs, Assistive Devices, and Life Care Planning.

Our vision remains to support IARP in becoming a leading international professional association. Our members have been active at the State and National leadership levels. John Orphanidys is a past member, who’s recommendation that we have a scholarship fund has resulted in a current balance of over $12,000 available for Graduate Students in Vocational Rehabilitation MA / MS programs in Florida.

For more information on the Southwest District or IARP in general, please contact us.

Marianne Abadir, MA, LMHC, CRC – SW District President | (727) 347-0386 |

Bill England, MS, CRC, CDMS, CCM – SW District Treasurer | (727) 432-9851 |