

The IARP Social Security Vocational Expert (SSVE) Section members comprise a unique and diversified group of vocational experts, life care planners and vocational economists.

Learn how IARP Social Security Vocational Expert (SSVE) Section can help you grow and prosper as a rehabilitation professional.

How to Join the SSVE Section

Change to Memberships in the SSVE Section and SSVE listserv access as of March 1, 2019.

As announced by the SSVE Board of Directors, SSVE Section members will now see an additional $200 fee to join or renew membership in the SSVE section. If a member chooses not to pay the fee they will no longer be a members of the section. 

Membership in this section is open to those individuals with a current BPA with the SSA.  To join, please edit your member profile by changing the "SSVE section participation" field to "YES".  You will be required to provide your BPA number. Please refer to this letter from the SSVE Section Leadership regarding the benefits this will bring. After you complete the checkout process, please allow 5-7 business days for approval. Contact the office if you need immediate access – info@rehabpro.org.

JOIN IARP SSVE and the SSVE LISTSERV while working under another’s BPA (SSA Contract)

Individuals working under another BPA are welcome to join the SSVE section providing they meet these prerequisites:

1) Meet White Paper Qualifications.

2) Provide the BPA holder's name and number they are working under. 

3) The BPA holder must verify that the individual works under their BPA.



1) Email Michelle Aliff about your intention to join. Provide a copy of your CV.

2) The Board will review the CV to confirm the individual meets White Paper qualifications.

3) The Board will verify with the BPA holder that the person does work under their BPA.

4) When these steps are accomplished, the person will be approved for section membership.​​​

5) To join IARP, candidates will need to pay IARP dues, select a chapter (if one is available) and pay the SSVE fee. Click HERE, once approved, to start the application process.  

National Calendar

Section News

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