

The field of private rehabilitation provides exciting and challenging career opportunities. IARP Rehabilitation Case Management and Transition Services (RCTS) Section members work with diverse populations of people with disabilities in business, industry, government, and agency settings. The RCTS Section is an excellent resource for developing and revitalizing your professional career.

Section Discussions

  • A recent email from a senior consulting actuary at Milliman indicates an updated research report regarding ...

  • Good morning everyone, I'm hoping for some assistance sourcing some data for solid organ transplantation, ...

National Calendar

Section Announcements

  • Rehabilitation Case Management and Transition Services (RCTS) Section Roundtable | 09/19/2024

    An open forum for IARP members to bring medical, vocational, case issues and questions. This will be an opportunity to discuss issues that come up in practice for discussion in a confidential safe space. Please do not divulge any evaluee identifying information. 

    LINK BELOW - Please copy and paste into your calendar.

    RCTS Roundtable 09/19/2024
    Date: Thursday, September 19, 2024
    Time: 2:00pm PT | 3:00pm MT | 4:00pm CT | 5:00pm ET

    Duration: 1 Hour

    Credits: This event does NOT offer CEUs. This event will NOT be recorded or available on-demand. Please plan accordingly to attend live.

    FREE. Available to IARP Members only.

    Submit a Question:
    If you would like to submit a question in advance, feel free to send your questions to iarprcts@gmail.com. You may also include a certain topic or even a case study you would like to be discussed during the Roundtable.

    Join Zoom Meeting

Section News

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