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  • 1.  Using Vocational Card Sorts for Career Development

    Posted 11-18-2013 12:36
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Washington Chapter and All Member Forum .
    2 questions

    I am an intern working at a psychiatric rehabilitation non-profit in Employment Services. Most of my clients have cognitive limitations and lack of insight about their disability, many have legal problems and poor academic skills. Most of the empirically validated tools may be inappropriate

    I believe that using a low reading level card sort, not necessarily as a career inventory, but as a developmental tool could be very valuable for these clients.

    Is there a pictorial card sort that can be associated with the R-I, A-S, I-C model that might help me?

    Who may I want to contact to acquire the necessary training to ethically use such a tool? 

    I have considered using short video's of people at work, and of course site visits.

    Any suggestions are Welcome

    Martha Simonsen
    Everson, WA United States

  • 2.  RE:Using Vocational Card Sorts for Career Development

    Posted 11-18-2013 15:02
    Hi Martha

    For non-readers, sometimes I will use the COPS-PIC Picture Inventory of Careers. This assessment corresponds to 14 different interest groups.

    Christon Fascilla
    Rehabilitation Counselor / Biofeedback Therapist
    Tacoma, WA United States