

IARP Texas serves rehabilitation professionals throughout the state of Texas through education, professional development and networking opportunities.

Learn how IARP Texas can help you grow and prosper as a rehabilitation professional.

Chapter Announcements

  • IARP Texas Spring Conference Registration

    Registration is open for our April 5, 2024, conference!

    Texas IARP's In-Person Conference will include speakers from UT Dallas School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, UNT Department of Rehabilitation and Health Services, Advanced Head & Neck Rehabilitation Center of Texas, Texas Workforce Commission, and MediMental Care. Stay tuned for the final schedule.

    CE Credits Approval Pending: CRC, CLCP, CCM, CDMS 

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Chapter Leadership

President: Joanna Vasquez (Houston)

President-Elect: Payam Paul Bahador (Fort Worth)

Past-President: Carolina V. Salazar (Houston)

Treasurer: Jennifer Pavlik (Houston)

Secretary: John Camacho (Dallas)

Board Member - Central Texas/Austin: Andrea Bradford (Austin)

Board Member - East Texas: Anna Katie Heater

Board Member - North Texas: Robert Cogburn (Plano)

Board Member - Gulf Coast/Houston: Wallace Stanfill

Board Member - South Texas/San Antonio: Jacqueline Mendez

Member at Large: Calvin Turner (Austin)

Student Representative: Lindsey Pope​​

National Calendar