

Director of Vocational Services,
Vocational Concepts LLC

Contact Details

Vocational Concepts LLC
Sarasota, FL 34242

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Ms. Fisher is currently the Director of Rehabilitation Services for Vocational Concepts LLC. She is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor/ CRC, and a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts/ ABVE/D. She also holds International Psychometric Evaluation Certification/IPEC. She previously held certifications as a Certified Vocational Evaluator/CVE, and the registry of Professional Vocational Evaluators/ PVE.

Today Vocational Concepts focuses on Forensic cases and testimony in Personal Injury,  Martial Dissolution, and Social Security testimony throughout Florida and Maine. Vocational Concepts offers services both virtually and mobile. 

In the 25 years, Ms. Fisher has worked in a variety of rehabilitation settings that included DVR/Vocational Rehabilitation, Veterans Administration, Social Security Administration, Personal Injury in both plaintiff and defense, Marital Dissolution, Workman's Compensation, Functional Capacity Evaluations and Medical Product Liability. 

Ms. Fisher developed post-offer employment screens in seven states for Sears and provided other functional capacity assessments for hire and RTW for Budweiser in Florida. She has specialized training in functional capacity evaluations using the ERGOS assessment methodology.

She is a member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals. A mentor and internship site for the University of South Florida Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling program. She has testified in both federal and state courts over the last 15 years. In her career, she has evaluated and assisted thousands of individuals with a variety of disabling conditions to either return to work or apply for SSDI/SSI or short-or long term disability.


  • ABVE Vocational Expert - Diplomate
  • Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Certified Vocational Evaluator
  • Forensic Vocational Expert
  • Social Security Administration Vocational Expert


University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida, United States
M.A. Rehabilitation Counseling, 1997
Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
1993 To 1997
Advisor: Tennyson Wright

Job History

Vocational Concepts LLC
Owner, Director of Vocational Services
Sarasota, FL, United States
July 2010 - present