Endorsement, Position Statement Policies & Procedures
10.1 Endorsement Policy: The intention of this endorsement policy is to create a process for allowing a third party to use IARP’s name and logo to support the content of their meeting or educational activity and to notify participants of IARP’s support. IARP will provide endorsements only when the request is consistent with IARP’s mission, vision, and goals and it is determine to be mutually beneficial to the parties involved. IARP has a responsibility to assess the value of scientific meetings and to support its Chapters and Sections IARP will not endorse an activity that has already been executed and/or launched.
10.1.2 Definition: An endorsement is a statement of approval or support for something or someone. For IARP, endorsement usually translates into approval of an activity/meeting, educational event, or project. For endorsement of a product or service, refer to the IARP Affinity Program Policy.
10.1.3 General Principles and Criteria:
- Events and activities endorsed by IARP must be consistent with IARP's mission, vision, and goals.
- IARP endorsement is valuable and usually confined to requests from IARP Chapters, Sections, members/groups of members, or other entities within IARP.
- IARP will not endorse any activity or product supported solely by industry or commercial interests.
- IARP will accept no financial or legal responsibility for an endorsed activity or product that is not generated by IARP itself.
- IARP's logo and endorsement may only be used with IARP's expressed written permission, which IARP will provide at its sole discretion and in accordance with these principles and requirements. The logo and endorsement must be featured prominently and legibly.
- Upon completion, a brief report must be submitted to the IARP office that describes any IARP - endorsed event. The report should include information on attendance / participation and any available evaluative data. Reports may be published in full or in part in IARP Board Materials.
- Event sponsorship is separate from any and all endorsements.
- Fee structure (?) Reasonable fees from endorsement based on Board approval and discussion. Will IARP charge administrative fees to endorse?
10.1.4 Who can request an IARP Endorsement:
- IARP Chapter in good standing.
- IARP Section in good standing.
- IARP member or group of members in good standing.
10.1.5 What can IARP Endorse:
- A meeting if planned by an IARP Chapter or Section.
- A session, lecture, or workshop at another association's meeting, if it is planned jointly or by IARP representatives.
- A publication, website, or an event if it reflects IARP's interests and is not industry produced. (Such approvals apply to single events or initiatives; endorsements would need to be requested for subsequent or repeated events or initiatives.)
10.1.6 Endorsement Procedures and Criteria: IARP staff will review all requests made via email (info @rehabpro.org); such requests must address all of the following:
- The name and description of the entity seeking IARP endorsement or logo use.
- Name and description of the meeting, activity, or event.
- The Who has been involved in developing the scientific or educational content (with attribution and affiliation and bibliography, if relevant).
- A description of the relation of the meeting, activity, or event to IARP's vision, mission, and goals.
- Whether the event or activity is one-time, regular (e.g., annual. biannual), and whether IARP has endorsed it previously, and if so when.
- Such materials as exist to date about the event (added as an attachment).
- Current or planned marketing materials, strategies, and plans indicating where IARP endorsement would be conveyed (e.g., website, email, direct mail, newsletter, calendar listing, social media) and an example of how and where the IARP endorsement and logo would be featured.
- The date of the event, activity, or publication and the deadline for IARP to decide whether to endorse or grant permission for logo use.
- The possibility of an IARP membership special offer, discount, and/or revenue sharing in relation to the proposed activity, event, or product.
- An indication of whether data will be collected to evaluate the success of the proposed activity, event, or product and if so, when data will be available and provided If approved, the requestor.
10.1.7 Approval of Endorsement: The executive director with the assistance of the association’s President and/or Executive Committee (as appropriate) will review the proposal and supplementary materials to ensure the requested endorsement is in alignment with IARP’s mission and educational strategic plan. The executive director with the assistance of the association’s President and/or Executive Committee (as appropriate) determines the final ruling. The members of the IARP Education Committee will only be involved if an appeal is requested to review the decision. The executive director may approve requests for endorsement that relate to IARP positions of support that have been already established and approved by International Board of Directors; meeting endorsements; educational activities (session, lecture, workshop, etc.); or projects.
10.1.8 Permitted Acknowledgement: If the request for endorsement is approved, the requestor is permitted the following acknowledgements of IARP endorsement:
- Permission to use the IARP name and logo on print and electronic materials, with approval in writing by IARP before such materials are printed/distributed.
- Upon request, IARP may send out email notifications to the IARP membership. The requestor must supply finalized content for review and approval by IARP staff.
- The endorsed event or activity will be listed on the IARP web calendar.
- Endorsement by IARP shall be displayed on relevant web pages and in all related materials.
- Links to IARP website area for Meetings, Membership, or About IARP, if requester has venues available for such links (e.g., website, publications).
- A report, if evaluative data of an event or meeting exists.
10.1.9 Terms and Conditions:
- Endorsement is granted as a one-time use and a new application must be completed for any reoccurring programs, or additional dates from the initial approval.
- Any changes in the program after endorsement must be communicated immediately to IARP and, if such changes breach the endorsement guidelines; this may result in loss of endorsement status.
- IARP assumes no financial responsibility or liability for the program.
- IARP does not provide continuing education credit or financial support for endorsed activities.
- Endorsement may be withdrawn at any time if IARP comes to believe that the meeting or activity will not meet the requirements and conditions outlined above.
10.2 Position Statement
10.2.1 Position Statement The IARP Board of Directors, backed by the organization’s credibilityand good standing in the rehabilitation community, will develop position statements or willconsider utilizing other’s position statements in an effort to promote legislative priorities.
10.2.1 Process
- Person requesting a position statement on behalf of IARP, will draft a near complete version.
- The executive director will send to board members with the response date.
- Once draft is complete and has been approved the executive director will distribute a PDF copy to the board for their personal distribution and will also send the same copy to the internal social media, marketing, communications and PR staff as necessary.