For the past 35 years the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals has played a vital role in the formation and expansion of the professional role of rehabilitation professionals in the diversified areas of practice in which they work. IARP now has 5 sections covering all major scopes of practice:
- Case Management-offering training and continuing education for case managers
- Disability Management-offering training and continuing education for vocational counselors, job placement professionals and disability management consultants
- The International Association of Life Care Planners-now a section of IARP with continuing education opportunities
- Forensics-offering training and continuing education for professionals involved in expert witness work and other forms of testimony. IARP members are currently serving on the Social Security OIDAP Advisory Panel reviewing modifications to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles
- SSA/VE- offering continuing education and training for vocational experts in Social Security testimony work, now working directly with Social Security to secure a pay increase for VE work
On the state level, IARP’s Michigan chapter has remained viable despite turbulent economic times and challenging judicial rulings. Many MiARP Members are currently serving on the Workers’ Compensation Task Force and have worked with allied organizations in the State to address significant issues, such as the proposed changes to Michigan’s Auto No Fault laws. MiARP also offers educational events throughout the year to meet continuing educational requirements and offer networking/marketing opportunities.
Please consider being a part of this dynamic national and local organization.
Use our Online Membership Application to join or contact any of the board members listed our home page.
Would you like to be reimbursed for one year membership? Recruit 3 additional paid members by October 1, 2010, and receive a check for one year of free membership for the following year to be presented at the October 15, 2010 conference in Lansing, MI.
If you cannot attend this fall's conference please contact a MiARP board member for more details or refer to our newly revised website.