List of Publications supported by research grant funding from FLCPR
- Allison, L. A. (2007). Life care planning for individuals with spinal cord injuries: Outcomes and considerations. (Dissertation, Ohio State University.)
- Barros-Bailey, M., Knot, M., Neulicht, A. T., Mitchell, N., Albee, T., Robinson, R., Riddick-Grisham, S., & Marcinko, D. (2023). Results of the 2021 survey of remote life care planning practice: Pandemic edition. Journal of Life Care Planning, 21(1), 5–29
- Buckles, V., Pomeranz, J., & Young, M. E. (2008). The applicability of the life care plan for adopted children with disabilities: What will Medicaid pay? Journal of Life Care Planning,75(3), 107-122.
- Cimino-Ferguson, S. (2005). Multiple relationships in the field of life care planning. Journal of Life Care Planning, 4(1), 11-16.
- Dawson, Brandie (2009). Spinal muscular atrophy Type II, implications for the life care plan: A case study involving opposite-sex siblings with spinal muscular atrophy Type II. Journal of Life Care Planning, 8(4), 157-193.
- Deutsch, P. M., Allison, L., & Kendall, S. L. (2003). Research design and statistics: A practical guide to reading research literature and practice guidelines. In P. M. Deutsch & H. W. Sawyer (Eds.). A guide to rehabilitation (pp. 9B1-9B88). White Plains, NY: AHAB.
- Deutsch, P.M., Kendall, S. L, Raffa, F., Daninhirsch, C., & Cimino-Ferguson, S. (2006). Technologies' impact on life care planning: A pilot study of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of Life Care Planning,4(4), 161-172.
- Deutsch, P.M., Kendall, S. L, Raffa, F., Daninhirsch, C., Cimino-Ferguson, S., & McCollom, P. (2006). Vocational outcomes after brain injury in a patient population evaluated for life care plan reliability. NeuroRehabilitation, 21, 305-314.
- Kendall, S. L. (2004). Life care planning with the HIV/AIDS patient. In R. O. Weed (Ed.), Life care planning and case management handbook (2nd ed., pp. 381-423). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
- Kendall, S. L. & Casuto, D. (2005). A quantitative reappraisal of a qualitative survey to assess reliability and validity of the life care planning process. Journal of Life Care Planning, 4(2&3), 75-84.
- Marini, I., & Harper, D. (2006). Empirical validation of medical equipment replacement values in Life care plans Journal of Life Care Planning, 4(4), 173-182.
- Neulicht, A. T., Riddick-Grisham, S., & Goodrich, W. R. (2010). Life care plan survey 2009: Process, methods, and protocols. Journal of Life Care Planning, 9(4), 131-200.
- Neulicht, A. T., Riddick-Grisham, S., Barros-Bailey, M., Knot, M., Maxwell, A., Albee, T., Marcinko, D., Mitchell, N., & Robinson, R. (2013). Life care plan survey 2022: Process, methods and protocols – A 20 year perspective. Journal of Life Care Planning, 21(3), 7-144
- Pomeranz, J. (2005). Identification of activities critical to examine the need for personal attendant care for individuals with spinal cord injury. (Dissertation, University of Florida.)
- Pomeranz, J., Shaw, L.R., Sawyer, H. W., & Velozo, C. A. (2006). Consensus among life care planners regarding activities to consider when recommending personal attendant care services for individuals with spinal cord injury: A Delphi study. Journal of Life Care Planning, 5(1&2), 7-22.
- Pomeranz, J., Yu, M. S., & Reid, C. (2010). Role and function study of life care planners. Journal of Life Care Planning, 9(3), 57-106.
- Reid, C., Kitchen, J. A., Kendall, S. L, & Deutsch, P. M. (2005). Case management with people who have AIDS or HIV infection. In F. Chan, M. J. Leahy, & J. L. Saunders (Eds.), Case management for rehabilitation health professionals (2nd ed., pp. 186-209). Aspen Professional Services.
- Rutherford-Owen, T., & Marini, I. (2012). Attendant care and spinal cord injuries: Usage patterns and perspectives for those with life care plans. Journal of Life Care Planning, 10(4), 33-44.
- Rutherford-Owen, T., & Marini, I. (2012). Life care plan implementation among adults with spinal cord injuries. Journal of Life Care Planning, 10(4), 5-20.
- Salmons, R. (2008). A study of quality of life issues for individuals with spinal cord injury following treatment and financial settlement. Journal of Life Care Planning, 7(2), 73-83.
- Sutton, A. M., Deutsch, P.M., Weed, R.O., & Berens, D. E. (2002) Reliability of life care plans: a comparison of original and updated plans. Journal of Life Care Planning, 1(3), 187-194.
- Van Wieren, T. & Reid, C. (2007). Nursing educational requirements: Relevance to life care planning credentialing policy. Journal of Life Care Planning, 6(1&2), 1-45.
- Ysasi, N. A., Marini, I., Antol, D. L., Maxwell, K., & Kerwin, S. (2016). A comparison of physiatrist life care planners versus non-life care planner physiatrists’ professional opinions regarding secondary complications of spinal cord injuries. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(1), 3-23.
- Ysasi, N. A., Kerwin, S., Marini, I., Bradley, M., Antol, D. L. (2016). Comprehensive literature review of secondary complications of spinal cord injury. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(1), 25-58.
- Ysasi, N. A., Marini, I., Bradley, M., Chen, R. K., Dunkley, L., Kerwin, S. (2016). Physiatrists’ professional opinions of secondary complications after SCI. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(1), 59-70.
- Ysasi, N. A., Marini, I., Sprong, M., Silva, I. (2016). Differences among life care planners and physiatrists regarding the likelihood and frequency of secondary complications for persons with spinal cord injury. Journal of Life Care Planning, 14(2), 3-37.
- Yu, N. S., Pomeranz, J. L., Moorhouse, M. D., Shaw, L. S., & Deutsch, P. M. (2008). Identifying a new area of damages: Assessing time loss associated with bowel management. Journal of Life Care Planning, 7(1), 3-11.