The FLCPRR invites proposals for research funding from individuals, organizations, and students and faculty members of academic and research institutions.
Qualifications of each applicant are evaluated within the context of the proposed research project. Proposals for research funding should focus on rehabilitation-related topics, issues, solutions and improvements, and outcomes that are aligned with the foundation’s mission.
A 2-stage application process is utilized; a preliminary letter of interest, and if accepted an invitation to submit a Research Proposal. The FLCPRR accepts preliminary letters of interest year-round.
The accompanying Proposal Process for Research Funding explains in detail applicant qualifications, the application process, evaluation process, and expectations of the recipient.
Preliminary Letters of Interest and invited Research Proposals, and all supporting documentation, are to be submitted to the FLCPRR online.
See Research Resources for additional information on research and FAQs.
Proposal Process for Research Funding PDF
Step 1: ⇨ Submit a Preliminary Letter of Interest
Step 2: ⇨ Submit a Proposal