2012 Chapter Newsletters

May 2012

Click here to read the Chapter Newsletter for May 2012

August 2012


November 2012

With the cool weather finally here and now the holiday’s approaching, I know how busy everyone must be.  Below is a brief quarterly update providing information for our members since the last newsletter.  As always, feel free to contact an IARP board member at any time.  Your input continues to be a valuable asset to the success of this chapter!


Please feel free to contact any member of the Board with questions, feedback, or concerns.  IARP is everyone’s association and we appreciate any feedback that may assist us in making it better for all members.  You may find newsletter information and posting of board meeting minutes on the website as well.


  • NC WC Law:
    • As you know, NC passed the modified Workers Comp Act in June, 2011.  Specifics regarding this revision can be found on the North Carolina Industrial Commission website. (www.ic.nc.gov)
    • Reminder: North Carolina now requires that any case manager providing rehab services in the state must complete a comprehensive course entitled, “Workers Compensation Case Management in North Carolina:  A Basic Primer for Medical and Vocational Case Managers.”  In order to be recognized as a QRP (Qualified Rehab Professional) under the NCIC rules for Rehab, this course is mandatory, effective July 1, 2013.  It is to be renewed every 5 years through a Refresher Course.  ***Any Rehab Professional that doesn’t hold a certificate of completion will lose their QRP status and can only work as a CRP (Conditional Rehab Professional) for no longer than 6 months.
      • The next Primer course is a Webinar scheduled for 11-13-12 and is the last one scheduled for 2012.  Watch the NCIC website and IARP website for information regarding future webinar and onsite Primer courses.

  • NC REHAB RULES update:
    • As most of you remember, IARP addressed potential changes/revisions to the “Proposed Revision of the Rehab Rules” for North Carolina at an August 6th hearing in Raleigh.  The information presented at the hearing was based on IARP member input.   Written comments were then accepted by the commission through September 14th.   We continue to be hopeful that a fair and reasonable set of rules will be the outcome.   Specific information relative to the Proposed Revision can be found on the NCIC website at www.ic.nc.gov.

  • SC Update:
    • IARP-Carolinas Chapter has joined the SC Chamber of Commerce.  We felt this would assist us in staying abreast of business related issues in South Carolina. Information will be forwarded and reviewed by the IARP South Carolina Representatives. 
    • SCWC Educational Association conference was held October 14-17 and was reportedly quite educational and entertaining.

  • General information:
    • Several of our local IARP members attended the 2012 International IARP Conference in Puerto Rico in October.  The conference had excellent attendance and was overall a very good conference with informative sessions. 
    • The November 2nd IARP seminar in Raleigh was a huge success with approximately 90 attendees.  Many thanks to our IARP members who were instrumental in the planning of such a great event. (Adele Doering, Jodie Nolf, Cindy Boyd and Tonya Ballard)  The feedback received regarding this seminar was excellent.
    • Please visit our updated chapter website.  You may access it at www.rehabpro.org.  We are trying to assure that information on NC and SC are accessible and updated on this site.   Again, note that Board meeting minutes will be posted on this site for membership review. 
    • Reminder that you have access to IARP Connect.   Through your IARP website, you may access this tool to communicate with members in other areas.  Access IARP Connect through www.rehabpro.org.  Just log in using your Username and password.  Once logged in, click on the Connect link in the top navigation.  You may then build your own profile, find colleagues, join eGroups, etc.
    • Again, please make sure your correct email address is provided to IARP.  If you change employment or change your email address, please provide that information to them.  You can do this at www.rehabpro.org.

I believe that covers things for the moment.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact a Board member.  We appreciate your input and suggestions.  On behalf of your IARP Board, thank you for your support and membership in this vital organization.

Carla Marshburn, RN, CCM

President, IARP-Carolinas Chapter