

Representing New York and New England (Maine,Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island).

 IARP Northeast serves rehabilitation professionals through education, professional development and networking opportunities.

Learn how IARP Northeast can help you grow and prosper as a rehabilitation professional.

Upcoming Announcements

  • IARP Northeast Fall Conference

    IARP Northeast Fall Conference is set for a full day on September 19 and a half day on September 20 at SunLife in Portland Maine. We are planning a chapter membership meeting where our new Chapter Bylaws will be presented and ratified.

    Topics include practical ways to incorporate AI, home accessibility, and low vision to name a few. Keynote speaker to be announced soon!

    We are planning to offer CEU's for CCM, CRC, CLCP, CDMS, and ABVE.

    Watch for the Save the Date here and on LinkedIn with links for conference registration and hotel registration!

    I hope to see you there!!


  • Welcome your New IARP Northeast Board!!

    The votes are in! It is my pleasure to announce the IARP Northeast Board for 2024-2025! We look forward to a great year! 

    President: John May

    President Elect: Sarah Malloy

    Past President: Phyliss Shapiro

    Secretary: Danielle Hetu

    Treasurer: Sharon Thistlewaite-Morra

    State Rep ME: Stella Frank

    State Rep NH: Fran Plaisted

    State Rep MA: Carol Dennehy

    State Rep RI: Stephanie Hart- Nowell

    State Reps NY: Frank Lindner, Christine DiTrinco

    State Rep VT: open

    State Rep CT: open

    Member- At -Large: Sue Chase, Linda Vause

    Student Rep: Danica Johnson

Upcoming Chapter Events

Chapter Discussions

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah Malloy , MAL, IARP Northeast , and Paul Bourgeois and ...

  • Welcome aboard Lisa! So nice to see a CLCP neighbor joining the IARP Northeast Chapter. ...

Chapter Leadership

President – John May

President-Elect– Sarah Malloy

Past-President – Phyliss H. Shapiro

Secretary – Danielle Hetu

Treasurer – Sharon Thistlewaite-Morra

Maine Rep – Stella Frank

Rhode Island Rep – Stephanie Hart-Nowell

New Hampshire Rep – Fran Plaisted

Massachusetts Rep – Carol Dennehy

Connecticut Rep – vacant

Vermont Rep – vacant

New York Rep – Christine DiTrinco

New York Rep – Frank Lindner

Member-at-Large – Sue Chase

Member-at-Large – Linda Vause

Student Rep – Danica Johnson