IARP New York 2015 Spring Conference

Hello New York IARP Members –

As you may recall, we sent out a "Save the Date" notice this past December to give you some advanced notice that we were putting together a fabulous conference for you all at the beautiful campus of Burke Rehabilitation Hospital in White Plains, New York.

As part of our conference, we have arranged for a tour of their campus on the afternoon of April 22nd (the day before the conference).  We will tour their grounds, inpatient facilities, and outpatient facilities.  It is Burke’s Centennial this year, so there will be unique and interesting exhibits including “then and now” vignettes that discusses the history of the facility and rehabilitation medicine in general.

We are also excited to have arranged for a tour of their Research Institute (lab) where you will see their rehabilitation scientists working to develop new treatments for disabling diseases and injuries, including the use of robotics.

Attached to this notice is the agenda and registration form to attend the conference.  Hotel information is also included on the bottom of the second page of the agenda.  Please note that you must book your room by April 8, 2015, in order to receive the discounted room rate.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

Thank you –

The New York IARP Board