February 2015.docx
Expert Fees 2003.pdf
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Michael W. Duncan.docx
#IARPConnect #StudentAffairs #MembershipRecruitmentandRetention #MarketingandPublicRelations #Leadership #ResourcesTemplates #CourseofaLifetime
4 attachments
2 attachments
Attached is information regarding use of social media by IARP Illinois and our student involvement initiative: #IARPConnect #StudentAffairs #Websites
IARP Illinois Social Media and Student Involvement Initiative1.docx
National Jobs for SSA #IARPConnect
IARP # 11.docx
Conference for life care planners who work with persons with acquired brain injury, chronic pain syndrome, post-concussion syndrome and PTSD #EventsManagement #IARPConnect
KRA conference brochure, Nov 22 20131.pdf
Student mentoring opportunities offered at the Forensic Conference in Charleston, South Carolina - November 7 - 9, 2013. #StudentAffairs #IARPConnect