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  • 1.  Ticket To Work TTW - Becoming an EN

    Posted 11-21-2023 16:58

    I'm interested in learning more about what it means to be an Employment Network for the TTW program and I'd like to discuss this with someone who has experience with it. I've spoken with someone from the SSA but I'd really like to hear from someone on the provider side. Specifically, I'm hoping to learn about the methods used to attract ticket holders, compensation rates, and generally what it's like to do that kind of work. If anyone is willing to share their experiences with me I would appreciate it. Ideally, I'd like to have a phone conversation or Zoom meeting to discuss. 

    Jeremy Rosene
    Carbondale, IL United States

  • 2.  RE: Ticket To Work TTW - Becoming an EN

    Posted 11-21-2023 17:36


    John Yent is the person to talk to.  John and I did a presentation a couple months ago.  I'm not sure if it's available online, but John is a great resource.



    Laura Frailey MRC, CRC, CVE, IPEC

    Core Vocational Services LLC

    P. O. Box 8409

    Toledo, OH 43623

    P: 419-350-0711

    F: 419-214-9201


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  • 3.  RE: Ticket To Work TTW - Becoming an EN

    Posted 11-27-2023 09:53
    Hi Laura,

    Thanks for letting me know. Do you know how I can get in touch with John? Feel free to share my contact information with him if you have a way to reach him.
