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State of our profession

  • 1.  State of our profession

    Posted 09-09-2022 14:24
    Many of you know that I, for one, having been banging the drum about the state of our profession - our relevancy, encroachment by other professional specialties, watering down of qualifications, and more.   Yesterday, I came across a vocational evaluation that has renewed my angst, and I wanted to take the opportunity to try and raise some awareness once again of the challenges that we continue to see and the danger our profession remains in for even existing.

    Yesterday in a SSA hearing, there was a vocational/psychological evaluation report by a psychologist hired by a State department of rehab agency to perform voc rehab services.  This Ph.D. wrote a report  with her summary below, and the attorney for the claimant asked me to consider the statement as a hypothetical. Of note, this Ph.D. is NOT a CRC, nor a member of IARP, nor could I find any information (CV, website, etc.) of her qualifications do to a vocational evaluation. Simply, I was appalled that a state RS agency should hire such a person who clearly does not understand the role nor vocational factors, and for all the consumers who are now being provided services by counselors who are unqualified and lake the skills and knowledge to really be of service.

    Here is what she opined:
    "A summary of workplace qualities that would suit XXX based on her test results is work that involves low physical
    impact, a noncrowded, non-stressful environment, flexible schedule, understanding management and coworkers who are sensitive to her mental and physical challenges, no sitting for long periods of time without a break to stand up and stretch, possibly work that would allow her to attend her Church on Sundays, and work that allows her to attend counseling twice a week."

    In addition to this person in one state, we know state RS agencies in other states are hiring bachelor - level VRs to work with consumers.  I am fine with this as job developers and assistants to a Master's level VR, but not as the sole and primary counselor.  We need training grounds...but also standards/qualifications.

    I urge IARP to step forward as a voice for our profession as we have done for many years.  I ask IARP to engage again with the VRCC, to let the membership know what the VRCC is doing, to start a different coalition if the VRCC has fallen apart - as I suspect given internal undue influence by CRCC, and regain our voice.  Our voice is heard by SSA due to ongoing constant monitoring, communication and commitment tot he quality of SSVEs, but this is not the only area we work in and we had lost a foothold (unfortunately long ago).  IARP State Chapters need to speak with the administrators at their respective RS agencies and advocate for standards, their state legislators, etc.

    Please raise your voices and take action! 

    Lynne Tracy
    Vocational Counselor
    Calabasas, CA United States