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RDCM Roundtable Discussion Follow-Up

  • 1.  RDCM Roundtable Discussion Follow-Up

    Posted 09-20-2023 20:12
    Thank you to all those who were able to join the Rehabilitation and Disability Case Management Roundtable Discussion today! We had a very informative discussion on how to approach certain topics in the realm of case management, life care planning, and vocational services. We are looking to have more of these events in the future with various topics, and we hope to see more Young Professionals in the fold. 
    Again, these discussions will not be recorded, fostering a confidential space to discuss any questions, trends, and/or challenges you may want to discuss.
    The RDCM Roundtable email address will also be available in the future for you to submit any questions or certain topics you may want to discuss at iarprdcmroundtable@gmail.com
    We hope to see you at the next RDCM Roundtable Discussion!

    Hantac Chang
    Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
    Seattle, WA United States