The Inaugural RDCM Board Roundtable Discussion will be held on July 14, 2022, at 4:00 PM EST. This is an open forum for RDCM members to bring medical or vocational questions, dilemmas, case issues, concerns, etc. that you would like feedback on from the RDCM board and/or the community members present on the forum. The goal is to help all of us grow in our profession while discussing issues that come up in practice. Chances are, if it is a concern for you, it will be/has been a concern for someone else as well. So let's help each other out.
What you can expect:
The RDCM board members will share some of their experiences with difficult situations encountered and we encourage you to bring your questions for discussion. This roundtable will NOT be published (verbal only) and is intended to be a confidential, safe space. When you bring your questions to the forum, please do not divulge any client/evaluee identifying facts.
The roundtable will last for 1 hour and be presented via Zoom Link. Be on the lookout for IARP sign-up and futher details. For the purposes of this initial roundtable, participation will be limited to 25 attendees.
Questions? Feel free to email Michael Fryar at or Betsy Keesler at We look forward to seeing you at the Roundtable!
Michael Fryar - RDCM Board Chair-Elect
Betsy Keesler - RDCM Board Education Committee Representative------------------------------
Betsy Keesler
Certified Life Care Planner
bkeesler@inquisglobal.comWaldorf, MD United States