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Fort Worth is Worth it!

  • 1.  Fort Worth is Worth it!

    Posted 09-19-2022 14:38


    Only 32 days left until our exciting international training and networking seminar in Fort Worth!

    We are working out the details for our Friday, October 21, 2022 RDCM Roundtable. 

    I have been doing some research for a civil matter I am involved in so I am looking forward with great anticipation to the 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. Friday, October 21, 2022 session 304 "Translating Neuropsychological Findings into Meaningful Vocational Recommendations" by Dr. April Groff. 

    This critical scientific area has such great impact on the cases that I perform vocational placement assistance, as well as providing opinions in forensic matters. 

    I'll look forward to seeing many of you there as well as at the other excellent training programs the IARP education committee has worked so hard to make available.

    If you have not yet done so, please register as soon as possible:  https://rehabpro.org/page/iarpconference

    Fort Worth is worth it!

    Edward Steffan
    Rehabilitation Counselor
    Tinley Park, IL United States