Good afternoon to all:
I thought I would post this here since many are still not aware that a best practices guideline for Functional Capacity Evaluations was published and adopted by the American Physical Therapy Association in 2018. The primary intent of this comprehensive white paper is to provide guidelines for the proper design, administration, and interpretation of FCEs, and to recommend qualification standards for FCE examiners in order to promote clinical excellence, accountability, and consistency.
I have done several presentations about the FCE Best Practices Guideline at national and international conferences in an ongoing effort to try to educate interested parties about this document and how to use it both clinically and administratively. The RDCM Section is planning on a webinar presentation sometime in the Spring of 2023 to help inform IARP members about the highlights from this guideline.
Even though it has been available for 4 years, I still run across many professionals who deal with FCEs that weren't aware that such a guideline exists. This is a core document I refer to in my practice when performing FCE Peer Reviews in workers' compensation and personal injury cases.
I've attached a copy of the APTA FCE Best Practices Guideline for reference. Feel free to contact me with any specific questions.
[Steve Allison], [PT, DPT, CME]
[Bossier City], [LA] [71112]