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  • 1.  2023 Seminar Information

    Posted 03-23-2023 14:14


    The IARP Education Committee is hard at work planning our 2023 conferences.  Below is an outline of activities planned for 2023. 

    Subsequent to your review of this information and outline of activities below, if you have any speaker suggestions or ideas to represent the RDCM section, please forward them Julie Sawyer-Little at julie@sawyerconsulting.com 


    Annual Conference (Virtual):  August 18-19, 2023

    Fall Forum (Live-Arlington, VA):  October 26-28 (Cap of 150)

    RFP:  Submissions will open on 2/15/23 and close on 4/14/23 (Speakers to be notified by May 12th)

    Each section is asked to recruit and secure at least 10-15 presentations (to cover both conferences we will need approximately 60-70 submissions)

    Cost:  Information will be provided at a later date.  

    Tracts (for both events)

    The plan is to have 3 tracts running simultaneously

    Tract 1:  LCP

    Tract 2:  RDCM/VRTS

    Tract 3:  Forensic/SSVE

    Virtual:  The plan is to have 5 sessions (3 tracts) on Friday and 4 sessions (3 tracts) on Saturday and be done by 4 p.m. EST.  

    Live:  Thought is to offer 4-5 sessions (3 tracts) on Thursday and Friday and 2 sessions (3 tracts) on Saturday and be done by 12 ET.  

    We are looking forward to a great 2023 and look forward to seeing everyone there. 

    Edward Steffan
    Rehabilitation Counselor
    Tinley Park, IL United States

  • 2.  RE: 2023 Seminar Information

    Posted 03-23-2023 15:12

    Hi Ed,


    What is the distinction between the annual conference and fall forum. I don't understand the need for having two separate events. Why not have an in person annual conference and provide live attendees with access to recorded presentations?


    Dr. Rick Wickstrom, PT, DPT, CPE, CME

    President, WorkAbility Systems and WorkerFIT

    7665 Monarch Court #109

    West Chester, OH 45069

    Office Phone 513-772-1026

    Mobile 513-382-5818

    Fax 513-672-2552

    rick@workability.us or workability.rick@gmail.com


    Transforming society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience.


  • 3.  RE: 2023 Seminar Information

    Posted 03-24-2023 09:34
    Good morning Rick,
    The decision to provide 2 conferences was based on a recent survey completed with members.  Based on the survey, 50% expressed a desire to have a virtual conference as opposed to attending in person.  The virtual conference will be recorded and offered for purchase if members elect to do so.  Julie

  • 4.  RE: 2023 Seminar Information

    Posted 03-24-2023 09:32
    Good morning,
    Thanks Ed for providing this information.  Just a point of clarification, if folks would please use the link below to submit their RFP's for review.  I will be happy to answer any questions people may have.  Also please feel free to provide this link to other great speakers who are not members of IARP and may not be aware of our 2 upcoming events.  Have a great day.  Julie Sawyer-Little

    Here is the link to the CFP submission form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YVSWQZ2