Also note that this is a white paper from 2017 that sites one legal case that was between a hospital and an insurance company. This is irrelevant in our work in my opinion and the "buyer" in our work is in fact the injured person. Not a contracted negotiator.
Tracy Albee
tracy@medilegalinc.comHenderson, NV United States
Original Message:
Sent: 09-15-2024 10:42
From: Vanessa Young
Subject: Understanding publications and their limitations - Learn to defend flawed logic with facts
What an interesting read, thank you for providing this and bring it to my attention!
Vanessa Young
Occupational therapist
omaha, NE United States
Original Message:
Sent: 08-05-2024 12:51
From: Rebecca Busch
Subject: Understanding publications and their limitations - Learn to defend flawed logic with facts
Hello All,
I would like to bring this "white paper" to your attention. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
"Measuring the value of medical services in personal injury suits"
First it appears that it is just a white paper and not a formal peered reviewed document. Next if you experience this article being used by an opposing expert give me a ring. Next key point of understanding charges ARE NOT irrelevant - I hope to cover the subject of what the purpose of a "charge" in a future publication or presentation.
This the first page of the article it has a disclaimer - is appears to be an opinion piece. Always read disclaimers of any marketing publication.
Rebecca Busch
Westmont, IL United States